What is Cancer Insurance?
Cancer insurance is a form of supplemental insurance meant to offset cancer-related expenses so you can focus on recovery.
Plan Rules:
Eligibility: Eligible full-time employees working more than 20 hours/week, spouse & children up to age 26
Coverage through Allstate
Payments made directly to you and do not offset with medical insurance
Keep your coverage, at the same cost, even if you retire or change employers
Health questions will be required if enrolling for the first time outside of new hire enrollment, increasing coverage, or adding a dependent. Guarantee Issue with no health questions for new hires during their initial enrollment period (pre-existing condition will apply)
Contact Campus Benefits for assistance with claims.
Email: mybenefits@campusbenefits.com
Call 1-866-433-7661, option 5
Don’t forget to file your annual Wellness Benefit! CLICK HERE to access the Wellness Incentives page for additional details.